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Life coaching by an experience expert


In 2006 the Ministry of the Flemish Community -Department of Education
handed me, after a training of three years, the following licenses:
-Special Training Beauty Care; Color and Styling / Colorist
-Specialization of Beauty Care; Make-up / Visagist / Make-up Artist
-Hairstyling 1 & 2; Styling / Implant, & attachment of hairpieces


After my recovery (surgery-chemo-radiotherapy-herceptine-preventive

surgey: 2013-2015) of breast cancer, I decided to combine my specialty fields of Style, Color and Make-up with my experience as a fellow member of

the big-C club. Somebody who's been through this roller coaster knows

what it feels like, and what the needs are. That is the reason why I do not follow the traditional Color consultation (You know; the Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter categorization), because patients tend to undergo changes during (after) treatment. The skin can change structure/color, the hair can change structure or result into hair loss, eyelashes and eyebrows can thin

or dissapear. So, what is left is a different outcome of which “type” you

now are. But so what? Does it really matter which season you represent?

What matters NOW is that YOU know how to dress and style yourself in

order for YOU to FEEL GOOD in EACH SEASON! Even when your silhouette changes (weight gain/loss, surgery) I can fit you into a stylish

yet comfortable look. It is my passion to guide fellow patients on their way

to feel good, by working with them external and internal.
The fact that I love organic products and only work with cosmetics

which are 100% natural, is sweet. Isn't it?




Color & Style Advice

After recovering from the shock, after the first steps in the medical carousel, during or after an oncological treatment, you find yourself again, after you tried so hard to run away from confrontations with yourSelf. At one point, you want to be part of the world, again. 

It is so important for an oncology patient to live his/her life as normal

as possible. Today there are numerous possibilities to ease the discomfort

due the illness creates; onco-psychologists, oncology dietitians, pain relief therapies, Mindfulness and relaxation therapies, special facial and body treatments, and now; personal style and color advice for the patient.

Color and Style Advice? Yes!
Why wouldn't a patient re-style him-/herself during or after recovering? 

We all know that taking care of ourselves takes care of a healthy spirit. 

When you look nice, you feel (a little bit) better. And this invites the patient

to follow the path towards positivity, which leads to recovery. You don't have to overdress and bling it (this look is passé anyway) in order to gain a stylish appearance which you can then tie to that powerful personality each big-C member owns. Of course, there will be days which won't even allow

the smell of soap anywhere near, let alone a smear of eyeliner or a touch of perfume. But, there will be good days, and on those days it is important

that you don't cover yourself with the cloak of despair. When you wear the illness and not the other way around, you create a valuable platform to walk on with pride, towards elegance and grace. Charismatic people shine,

and they don't need eyelashes or eyebrows to do so!


The only question many patients ask:
how do I dress comfortable and stylish through this challenge? What about hair-/loss, edema(oedema), weakened nails, skin irritations, weight loss/gain, physical discomfort, and the psychological aspect of your appearance during /after treatment? Colors that you used to wear don't seem

to match your skin. Your clothes are too big or too tight. Some fabrics aren't even tolerated at this time. Forget wearing heels or accessories, they feel most uncomfortable now. Cosmetic products can irritate... And still it is possible to make a huge difference about the way you wear the outside, with a few small tricks and positivity on the inside. You can give your self-esteem a boost which isn't radiological.

 As an ex-patient, I know how, that during treatment, you try to link yourself

to the old you. Understandable, since one usually chooses to get a Make-Over out of free will and not by force of “nature”. I know that, often he/she has a hard time facing the mirror. That often, there is shame in public environments. There is lack of motivation to put some effort into personal appearances.

And unfortunately, there are often changes on the surface of a person
undergoing chemo, radiation, or other oncological treatments. Most patients don't go for a complete style switch (make-over) during therapy but prefer

a personal styling for that specific time in their life. Although other patients grasp this opportunity to take on a whole new style. And why not? This is

the time you should go for it! This is the time you should treat yourself to

the best, love yourself to the fullest, and let positivity work its magic. 

Most of my clients are in the period of finishing their treatment, or contact

me after completing their treatment, when their body starts to recover.

This is normal; from my own experience, I know that image is the last thing on your mind when you’re just starting with your recovery. In most cases it

is only when someone completed their chemo/radio treatment that they start

to gain new interest in looks and appearance, that they are ready to dress up again. Professional Color and Style Advice during this important period

of transformation is significant, just like a nice hair-piece to complete your look until your own hair is ready to be styled.


By color draping over 100 fabrics, we explore which are your colors

for this period (and which are not). Once we know which colors flatter you, we’ll figure out what outfits are comfortable yet stylish to wear at the moment. Then we can have some fun with headwear and hairpieces, which you try on in a relaxed and private environment. You can try on your own items to see how to wear or combine them with your outfits. Ready to change? Welcome!




I work as a licensed professional and run my practice with pride and care.

The rates are official, there are no hidden "extra" costs or variable rates.






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